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                Privacy Protection

                Tianjin Jin Good Castle Fire Decoration Engineering Co.,Ltd (hereinafter called the ‘JinGoodCastle’) Jinxiao’an ?fully respects your privacy, and shall spare no effort to protect your personal information. Generally, you will not be required to provide any personal information for using JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?’s APP Jinxiao’an . For specific purposes, in case you provide your name, gender, category and number of credentials, date of birth, country, E-mail address, telephone number, contact address, postal code, services or information desired and other similar personal information that are required for registration or reading E-information by voluntarily filling in forms, you will be deemed having understood and accepted the use of your personal information and agreed that JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?uses your personal information for the specific purposes. Meanwhile, in order to operate and improve technology and service of JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an , JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?may collect, use and provide your non- privacy information to any third party, which is helpful for JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?to provide you with a better user experience and service quality.
                JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?will not sell your personal information at any time under any circumstance. Your personal information will only be used within a limited scope of your specific authorization or to the extent permitted by law. However, JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?may provide certain portion of your personal information to law executive organs and government authorities as so requested. JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?might disclose certain portion of your personal information within a strictly limited scope of recipients when JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an ?reasonably thinks it is necessary for protecting JinGoodCastle Jinxiao’an , its customers or the public. You shall have foreseen and agreed to the occurrence of such events when you provide your personal information.